Types of balls to know how to control and neutralize your swing

It is true that the ability of each player to hit affects a lot when it comes to playing golf. But many people forget one of the great allies in this sport: balls. They have an almost determining role and, depending on their characteristics, they can affect the trajectory, height, speed

How to achieve a low ball trajectory

When it comes to improving our golf, we can learn some tricks and other techniques that not only make this sport dynamic and entertaining, but will also help us stop playing amateurishly and master techniques that will allow us to reach the golf holes and that gives us an easier way to get out of […]

Mistakes you can avoid to improve your swing

If you have been playing golf for a long time and you feel that you are making certain mistakes that do not allow you to improve your swing, it is best to be able to quickly identify them to improve in the shortest possible time. 

Basic rules of golf that every amateur should know

Golf is a sport that every day has more followers of all ages. Are you one of them? If you dare to start playing on your golf course in Mallorca, there are some basic rules that you should know. We will tell you about them in this post!

Golf, a safe sport in times of the Covid 19 pandemic

One of the first sports, perhaps the first, to make the official announcement of its return to routine activities was golf, a specialty in which distances between people are kept much more than other sports.

The great golf tournaments will be played from September

The world landscape has changed so radically that traditions in sports are beginning to be affected. The season and the calendar will no longer be the same and, in the following years, the different results will be discussed in this 2020 pandemic year.